Plantar Fasciitis & Heel Spurs
The plantar fascia is a ligament that runs from the bottom of the heel to the ball of the foot. When the plantar fascia is overstretched and/or degenerates it can become inflamed and painful it is called plantar fasciitis. This condition may have a painful bony spur at the bottom of the heel associated with it.

Why Do I Have Heel Pain?
Heel pain can occur when the long ligament under the foot, the plantar fascia, get overstretched or strained (plantar fasciitis). This can occur with a sudden increase in activities, a change in shoes or a traumatic event. It can also occur from ageing process of the arch collapsing and overstretch of the plantar fascia
The heel bone (the calcaneus) can become sore after using hard, poorly cushioned shoes for long periods of time and due to standing on hard flooring surfaces like tiles, concrete and wood floors. If the natural fat pad under your heel is thinned or displaced by age or wear, the calcaneus will experience more impact stress. Damage or stress on the nerves in the heel region can also cause heel pain.

Plantar fasciitis common symptoms
- Location of pain: Most common pain location is under the heel.
- Onset of pain: Usually worse in the morning when taking the first steps out of bed or after periods of rest, and it may improve with activity but worsen again after prolonged standing or walking. Occasionally it can be sore at the end of the day as well.
- Stiffness: Many individuals with plantar fasciitis experience stiffness in the bottom of the foot, particularly in the morning or after periods of inactivity.
- Tenderness: The affected area may be tender to the touch, particularly around the heel or along the arch of the foot.
- Description of pain: Often described as a sharp stabbing pain or stone-bruise like pain.
- Increased pain with certain activities: Activities that involve prolonged standing, walking, or running may exacerbate the pain associated with plantar fasciitis.
- Pain after exercise: Pain may increase after exercise or physical activity, particularly activities that place stress on the plantar fascia, such as running or jumping.
- Radiating pain: Pain from plantar fasciitis may radiate from the heel into the arch of the foot or up to ankle.
- Worsening pain over time: If left untreated, plantar fasciitis symptoms typically worsen over time. Initially it comes and goes, then becomes more persistent and making it increasingly uncomfortable to walk or stand.
How Do We Treat Heel Pain
It is important to understand there is no one magic solution to treat all types of heel pain. This is why you should have your heel pain reviewed by your Podiatrist.
Foot orthoses can be a valuable tool in the treatment of heel pain. Foot orthoses are used to change the way forces load the damaged tissues of your feet and allow true healing to take place.
Appropriate manual therapies such as trigger point dry needling, foot mobilisation treatments, strapping, stretching, therapeutic ultrasound and myofascial release can all help to resolve your heel pain.
Shockwave is the newest technology used to treat heel pain with a growing body of evidence recommending the use of Shockwave Therapy in the treatment of chronic heel pain.
For help with plantar faciitis, call us on 08 7120 6063 or book online with our experienced team at Leading Edge Podiatry.